Andrina McQuick


I am 16 years old and I am in the 11th grade.I am a student at the Williamsburg Charter High School.I am in Code Nation because I want to learn how to code and I think i's super fun.My favorite colors are blue, turquoise and lavender.Three things I couldn't live without are food, the internet and my lucky bear.I'm a very fun and kind hearted person who enjoys simple things and is passionate about the things I do.My favorite show is Grey's Anatomy and Criminal Minds. After school I spend most time doing work but I have many hobbies such as:

Sometimes when I'm bored I like to pass time by browsing the internet.I like websites that portray to music, cosmetology, fashion, cooking and animals. Some of my favourite websites are:

  1. Youtube
  2. The Food Network
  3. Vogue
  4. Pinterest